Cyan Bae (they/she) is an award-winning filmmaker and researcher based in the Netherlands. Currently Cyan is a PhD Candidate in International Political Sociology at the Institute of Political Science, Leiden University. Cyan’s research focuses on the algorithmic governance and resistance around affective computing technologies in the field of security. This research is part of the ERC funded project The Algorithmic Security Politics of Computer Vision (Security Vision). Cyan’s artistic research and practice centres upon the politics of everyday and subversive practices around socio-technical systems, drawing on Critical Security Studies (CSS), Science and Technology Studies (STS), and Queer Theory. Methodologically, Cyan explores the intersections of visual ethnography and experimental/documentary filmmaking. Cyan’s latest film Dear Chaemin has been screened and awarded at inter/national film festivals. Cyan is also a co-founder of First Cut.
배채연은 네덜란드를 기반으로 활동하는 시각예술가 및 연구자로, 현재 네덜란드 라이든대학교 정치학연구소에서 국제정치사회학 박사과정을 밟고 있다. 감성 컴퓨팅을 둘러싼 권력과 저항에 대해 연구하고 있으며, 이는 유럽연구이사회(ERC) 지원연구과제 시큐리티 비전 The Algorithmic Security Politics of Computer Vision (Security Vision)의 일환이다. 성균관대학교에서 신문방송학·시각디자인학을 공부하고 네덜란드 헤이그왕립예술학교에서 논리니어 내러티브 석사과정을 밟은 후 비판적 안보연구, 과학기술사회학(STS), 퀴어이론을 바탕으로 사회기술적 일상과 저항을 주제로 한 작품 활동을 이어가고 있다. 최근작인 단편 다큐멘터리 〈채민이에게〉는 국내외 다수 영화제에서 상영 및 수상했다. 시각적 참여관찰연구와 실험·다큐멘터리 포맷의 영상예술이 교차하는 방법론의 확장을 모색하고 있으며, 네덜란드 헤이그를 기반으로 하는 독립·급진·실험영화플랫폼 First Cut을 함께 만들고 운영하고 있다.
Ph.D. Candidate in International Political Sociology, Institute of Political Science
“The Algorithmic Security Politics of Computer Vision (Security Vision)” (ERC Consolidator Grant #866535, P.I. Dr. Francesco Ragazzi)
M.A. with Distinction in Fine Art and Design, Non-Linear Narrative Department
Thesis: “The Intimate Voice: Questions for the Virtual Assistant”
B.A. in Political Science, Department of Journalism and Mass Communication (now Department of Media and Communication), College of Social Sciences
B.A. in Design, Department of Design, School of Art (Minor in Visual Communication Design)
Winner Grand Prize
Seoul International Women’s Film Festival 2021, Asian Shorts Competition
Winner National Award
Leiden Shorts 2021, National Competition
Winner Pandemic Chronicles Award
The Hague Film Festival 2021, Pandemic Chronicles Competition
Nominee Fentener van Vlissingen Fonds Award
Nederlands Film Festival 2020, Student Competition
Nominee Royal Academy Master Department Award 2020
Nominee Royal Academy Master Thesis Award 2020
Leiden Shorts: Retrospective Edition (NL)
Asian+ Queer Festival (DE)
London Korean Film Festival (UK)
Home Cinema x Home (NL)
Seoul International Women’s Film Festival (KR) [Closing Film]
Boston Asian American Film Festival (US)
Women’s Film Festival in Gwangju (KR)
Jeju Women’s Film Festival (KR)
Leiden Shorts (NL)
The Hague Film Festival (NL)
Wicked Queer: Boston’s LGBTQ+ Film Festival (US)
Ramsgate International Film & TV Festival (UK)
Zeitgeist Film Restival (US)
Nederlands Film Festival (NL)
Seoul International Pride Film Festival (2020, KR)
Istituto Superiore per le Industrie Artistiche (ISIA), Urbino (IT), 5 April 2023.
WESS, Seoul (KR), 19–29 January 2023.
Alte Münze, Berlin (DE), June 2022.
De Besturing, The Hague (NL). Collaboration with the Archaeology Department and the Rotterdamsebaan project of the Municipality of The Hague, and Stroom Den Haag, November 2019.
Muziekgebouw aan ‘t IJ, Amsterdam (NL). Collaboration with Hivos. Mag het Licht Aan Festival, July 2019.
Royal Academy of Art, The Hague (NL). Collaboration with Greenpeace Netherlands, February 2019.
Jeonju International Film Festival, Organized by GRAPHIC. Index, Seoul (KR), July 2018.
Jeonju South Market, Culture Space Girin, Jeonju (KR), June 2018.
Dongdaemun Design Plaza, Seoul (KR), November-December 2016.
Sungkyunkwan University, Seoul (KR), October 2016.
Chaeyuen Bae (they/she) is a visual artist, researcher, and graphic designer based in the Netherlands.
↳ @pingpingpress
How To Face Feelings: Data as Drama (2022–)
Dear Chaemin | 채민이에게 (2020)
Amo Te Vita | 내 사랑, 그대를 사랑하오 (2019)